Nordtest DOC GEN 010 OLD

docgen010.pdfThe fifth edition of Nordtest DOC GEN 010 provides the detailed requirements of the Nordic certification system for Non Destructive Testing Personel. Please note that there is a new version 6.

doc gen 010

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Nordtest Scheme ctr ISO 9712

The comparisons between the standards EN 473/Nordtest and ISO 9712 shows small (marginal) differences and some of the certification bodies in Europe is accredited for both. These bodies issues certificates containing both standards and in the certificates they refers to own detailed handbooks of instructions which fulfils the requirements from both systems.

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EN 473/NORDTEST Scheme

Certification of personel for Non Destructive Testing

The EN 473/Nordtest scheme for certification of NDT personnel is based on the European standard EN 473 (Qualification and certification of NDT personnel – General principles) and is supplemented with the elements needed to make the scheme an independent operative system. The bodies that certifies according to the EN 473/Nordtest scheme shall also fulfil the requirement of EN 45013 (General criteria for certification bodies operating certification of personnel) and they have to be accredited.

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Nordtest Technical Group for NDT (TG-NDT) consist of one representative from each Nordic country. TG-NDT acts as a forum for discussion for operation and development of the EN473/Nordtest Scheme. TG-NDT also acts as advisor for the Boards within the field of this certification. The responsiobility for preparing all necessary documents for the Nordtest Scheme.

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Nordtest EN 473 certificates

Ultimo 2011 11.742 certificates were valid (maximum 5 years old). This is a growth of 50 % in ten years. The figure shows the development. The curve is both new issued with exam and reissued without exam and for all three levels of certification.nordtest-ndt certificates 2011

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Certifying bodies

Certifying Body in Denmark DHIAgern Allé 5DK-2970 HørsholmDenmark Contact Jette Bjerre HansenTel. +45 4516 9200Mail jbh  @  dhigroup.comWeb www.dhigroup.comScope Groundwater, soil and solid waste Certifying Body Read more…