The history of Nordtest


Nordtest – a brand for conformity assessment

Nordtest was originally founded in 1973 under the Nordic Council of Ministers and has since then acted a a joint Nordic body in the field of conformity assessment. The 1st of January 2004 it was merged with the Nordic Industriel Fund into the Nordic Innovation Centre, based in Oslo. In all history the emphasis has been on development of Nordic test methods and on Nordic co-operation concerning conformity assessment – approved once -> accepted everywhere. No barriers for products and services within the Nordic countries. During the years about 1500 methods ( 600 is still running) and more than 600 technical reports have been published.
New version of DOC GEN 010 version 7 is now launched as version 7.1 approved May 2024. The version is
NT TR 604 Uncertainty from sampling - A Nordtest Handbook has been revised in scope of the updated Eurochem Guide.
Internal Quality Control  – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken - Troll Book) The Troll Book is now translated to nine languages
The Handbook for Environmental Laboratories hasnow been launched - NT TR 537 as version four in the Turkish language. The
A cooperation among road authorities in Finland, Norway and Sweden has created a new Nordtest method NT BUILD 515 for
The Nordtest Catalogue 2006 provides an overview of all test methods, technical reports, general documents and position papers published under the
Håndbok for prosjekt innen harmonisering av regler og metoder (Conformity assessment). Denna handbok riktar sig till projekt, som skall bidra