- Level 1: Operators can carry out practical investigations under the guidance and supervision of higher levels.
- Level 2: Operators can independently plan and carry out practical tests.
- Level 3: The senior executive in a company that has level 1 and 2 operators employed. He is responsible for ensuring that test work is done safely.
Nordtest EN 473 certificates
Ultimo 2011 11.742 certificates were valid (maximum 5 years old). This is a growth of 50 % in ten years. The figure shows the development. The curve is both new issued with exam and reissued without exam and for all three levels of certification.
NORDTEST scheme is a certification system in the non-destructive testing methods. It is used in all the Nordic countries where it is recognized by legal officials, organizations and businesses. The system is structured in the same way as the other European certification systems, and it contains – like these – examinations that are independent of the candidate’s employer.
NORDTEST system has the following 3 levels of qualification: