Undersøgelse af mulighederne for automatisering af kolonnetesten NT ENVIR 002 (NT TR 519a)

  • Report #: NT TR 519a
  • Approved: November 2002
  • Author(s): Nikolaj K. J. Lehmann, Dorthe Lærke Jensen, Olaf W. Asmussen, Ole Hjelmar, Margaretha Wahlström
Size: 1.30 MB


  The column test NT ENVIR 002 is used to obtain information on the leaching behaviour and characteristics of solid materials especially at low liquid/solid (L/S) ratio. The column test can therefor be used to evaluate the leachability of different compounds under landfill-like conditions. The performance of the column test requires a substantial amount of work and is time consuming. The purpose of this project has been to investigate the possibilities of implementing some level of automatics in the test, in order to reduce the amount of work and time needed to perform the test. Specific aspects of the test that would benefit from being automatically controlled have been identified and described. These have included:
  • Automatic collection of the leachate
  • Performance of the test under specific conditions, for example anoxic conditions.
  • Automatic monitoring of the weight of the collected leachate
  • On-line monitoring of pH and specific conductivity
  • Alarm and shut-down system in case of operational problems
  • Excel sheets for registration and calculation of test conditions
The suggestions have been described in details so that implementation is possible immediately. The present suggestions have been developed for the column test NT ENVIR 002, but are probably useful for other type of column tests as well.