Assessment of Compost Maturity and Ecotoxicity (NT TR 404)

  • Report #: NT TR 404
  • Approved: October 1998
  • Author(s): Merja Itävaara, Olli Venelampi, Lise Samsøe-Petersen, Henrik Lystad, Helga Bjarnadottir and Lars Öberg
  • Version: 1
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  The purpose of the Nordtest project was to identify the problems associated with the utilization of compost in the Nordic countries. The reult presented in this report are based on the replies to questionnaires which were sent by each partner in their country to municipalities and the private companies treating biowaste. In the literature survey of methods for assessing the quality of compost, special emphasis was pålaced on ecotoxicological assessment and the organic pollutants that have been characterized from compost.  
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