Floor coverings, concrete or timber joist floors: Rating of impactsound improvement (NT ACOU 034)

  • Report #: NT ACOU 034
  • Approved: February 1991
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This NORDTEST method specifies a method of evaluating a single number index which describes the improvement in impact sound insulation due to a floor covering laid on a concrete floor. The evaluation is based on measurements taken with and without the floor covering laid on a solid concrete floor. This part of the method conforms to annex A in IS0 717/2-1982. The basic quantity is the weighted normalized impact sound pressure level and the improvement index is called the weighted impact sound improvement index. This NORDTEST method also specifies a method of evaluating an improvement index when the flooring is laid on a timber joist floor. This type of slab is common and representative of old multi-family houses with plaster ceilings. To determine this improvement index the flooring has to be tested on a standardized timber floor. The improvement index determined by this method also applies with minor deviations to other types of timber joist floors.